Nipper Frostbite Champs 2022
We now have some details about the return of nipper competitions. The Cornish champs will be held at Penzance Swimming Pool on Saturday 26th March (8-11 years) and Sunday 27th March (12-13 years), details in the frostbite entry pack:
These events are open to all current nipper members with the only minimum criteria being that they must be able to swim 50m and were born between 2009 and 2014. If anyone is unsure about what a nippers competition entails or whether it is suitable for your child, I’d suggest you speak with your age group coach or alternatively give me a call.
Unfortunately due to current covid regulations, the size of the pool and the number of children involved in the competition, parents are not allowed to spectate. We will make sure that we have a suitable number of helpers to support the children during the event.
Please let me know by email whether your child would like to take part in this competition and also whether you would be prepared to volunteer as a helper on the day (this may involve child welfare, timekeeping, handling kit or other general duties).
There is a fee of £15 to enter this event. In order to be as inclusive as possible the club is happy to cover the cost of entries for those that need it.
Closing date for entries for the frostbite competition will be Friday 11th March. No late entries will be permitted.
We will also be looking to send a team to the National Nipper Championships in Cardiff on 14th/15th May, details around that event will follow…
Steve Instance
Nipper Competition Coordinator and Coach