4th Bawden Rock Festival, Fun day for whole club 25th August
25th August 2018 –
• Fun Nippers event for all ages
• Surf Boat Races
• Juniors Events
• Paddle back from the rocks
• Bawden Rocks Swim
This is a fun event and an opportunity for members of the club to celebrate the year. There will be prizes and Goodie bags for all.
The Nippers get to do a swim/paddle/flags in a fun environment and they all get a goodies bag, medal and T shirt at the end.
The day is funded by the BBQ that Karen [email protected] is helping coordinated so please help on the day with the BBQ and let Karen know.
To register for please email: [email protected] so we can order T-shirts and sort goodie bags
Closing date for entries 16th August